Good Design Award 2009
Il progetto cucina Argento Vivo, disegnato dal maestro del design per la casa Roberto Pezzetta e sviluppato da GD Arredamenti, ha ottenuto quest’anno l’ambito riconoscimento da parte del Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design and Metropolitan Arts.
Il Good Design Award è un premio internazionale di design promosso dall’European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies e viene assegnato annualmente ai prodotti riconosciuti come più innovativi. I prodotti premiati vengono esposti in maniera permanente all’interno del Chicago Athenaeum.
Il premio è stato ideato a Chicago nel lontano 1950 da un’idea di Edgar Kaufmann Jr, curatore e fondatore del Museum of Modern Art di Chicago, in collaborazione con gli architetti e designer Ray Eames, Russel Wright, George Nelson e Eero Saarinen.
La giuria, composta da professionisti ed esperti del settore, specialisti industriali e stampa specializzata, base le sue decisioni sugli stessi criteri originale del 1950, riguardo a innovazione, forma, materiali, costruzione, concept, funzionalità, utilità e sostenibilità, oltre che l’estetica.
Good Design Award 2009
The ‘Argento Vivo’ kitchen, brainchild of Roberto Pezzetta, master of design for the home, and developed by GD Arredamenti, was presented with this year’s coveted award by the Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design and Metropolitan Arts.
The Good Design Award is an international design award promoted by the European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies and is presented annually to the industry’s most innovative products. The award-winning products are put on permanent display inside the Chicago Athenaeum. The award was created in Chicago back in 1950, stemming from an idea by Edgar Kaufmann Jr., who was the curator and founder of Chicago’s Museum of Modern Art, in collaboration with the architects and designers Ray Eames, Russel Wright, George Nelson and Eero Saarinen. The judging panel is made up of industry professionals, experts and trade press, and bases its decisions on the same criteria originally used in 1950, regarding innovation, shape, materials, construction, concept, functionality, usefulness and sustainability, as well as aesthetics.
Good Design Award 2009
Le projet cuisine Argento Vivo, dessiné par le maître du design d’intérieur Roberto Pezzetta et développé par GD Arredamenti, a obtenu cette année le prix tant convoité décerné par le Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design and Metropolitan Arts.
Le Good Design Award est un prix international de design promu par l’European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies et est décerné chaque année aux produits reconnus comme étant les plus innovants. Les produits récompensés sont exposés de manière permanente dans le Chicago Athenaeum. Le prix a été créé à Chicago en 1950 d’après une idée d’Edgar Kaufmann Jr, fondateur et conservateur du Museum of Modern Art de Chicago, en collaboration avec les architectes et designers Ray Eames, Russel Wright, George Nelson et Eero Saarinen. Le jury, composé de professionnels et experts du secteur, spécialistes industriels et presse spécialisée, base ses décisions sur les mêmes critères qu’en 1950, quant à l’innovation, la forme, les matériaux, la construction, le concept, la fonctionnalité, l’utilité et la durabilité, sans parler de l’esthétisme.